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Overview of Tobacco-free Policy
Cessation Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
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Additional Resources

Overview of Tobacco-free Policy

Effective July 1, 2019

Temple University is committed to providing a tobacco-free environment for the entire community. The tobacco-free campus policy applies to all U.S. Temple University facilities, properties and vehicles. Smoking and the use of tobacco products shall not be permitted in any buildings, parking lots, pathways, covered entrances, sports/recreational facilities and stadiums, Liacouras Walk, Polett Walk, Beasley Walk, the Bell Tower and adjacent lawns, O’Connor Plaza, and any other campus walkways or plazas. Where Temple buildings are adjacent to public sidewalks or streets, smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on those public sidewalks and streets within 20 feet of building entrances.

Temple University will not permit the inclusion of any tobacco-related advertising in any Temple-produced publications, marketing or social media, subject to constitutional limitations.

Definition of Tobacco

Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or tobacco-containing products, including but not limited to:

  • cigarettes (e.g. clove, bidis, kreteks, cigars and cigarillos);
  • electronic cigarettes; 
  • hookah-smoked products;
  • pipes;
  • oral tobacco (e.g. spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff); 
  • nasal tobacco; 
  • nicotine delivery devices; and 
  • other products that mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring, or deliver nicotine.

Products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, when used for cessation, are not considered tobacco under this policy; use of electronic cigarettes is not considered a means of cessation.


All university students, faculty, administrators, staff and visitors are responsible for cooperating to achieve the goal of this policy.  

  • Tobacco use by students on all university property is prohibited and is a violation under the Student Conduct Code. Violation of this policy will be handled in the same way as other violations. 
  • Tobacco use by administrators, faculty and staff on all university property is prohibited. This policy will be enforced in accordance with rules and regulations in the Employee Manual.

Cessation Resources

Internal Resources

Wellness Resource Center: offers wellness consultations to explore stress management 

  • Phone: 215-204-8436 
  • Email: bewelltu@vipratrust.com
  • Address: 
    1755 N. 13th St.
    Student Center, 201
    Philadelphia, PA 19122
  • Office hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.

Tuttleman Counseling Services: offers individual or group counseling with specialized counselors who provide comprehensive services to students with addictive behaviors

  • Phone: 215-204-7276
  • Address:
    1700 N. Broad St.
    2nd floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19121

Independence Blue Cross: provides access to smoking cessation resources to employees enrolled in one of the university’s health plans 

Lifeworks: an app and a website that provide tobacco cessation resources for employees, including an incentive program to motivate users to keep healthy habits

Total Wellness Rewards Program: an interactive app and website that allows employees to earn rewards for participating in smoking cessation programs

Prescribed nicotine replacement therapy can be covered through Temple’s insurance. See below for more details on nicotine replacement therapy options.

Temple Health Resources

Smoking Cessation Program: provides access to specialists who use both medication and behavioral therapy, including support groups, to help people reach their goal of quitting smoking

External Resources

PA Free Quitline

  • Spanish: 1-855-DEJELO-YA
  • Mandarin and Cantonese: 1-800-838-8917
  • Korean: 1-800-556-5564
  • Vietnamese: 1-800-778-8440
  • Fax: 1-800-261-6259
  • Free texts: Text START to 47848

Nicotine Replacement Therapy 
Nicotine replacement therapy can be purchased over the counter or prescribed. The patch, lozenges and nicotine gum can be purchased over the counter, while varenicline (Chantix), bupropion hydrochloride (Zyban), and Nicotrol nasal spray or inhalers can be prescribed by a healthcare provider.

To learn more about nicotine replacement therapy options, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American Cancer Society resource guides.

Smoking Cessation Apps (available on Android or iOS)

This app gives people the choice to quit cold turkey or to taper off. It allows for tracking of smoking consumption and nicotine cravings daily. When used regularly, the app detects patterns for when a person typically craves, and it sends alerts, reminders and motivation to the user. It also sends rewards for progress and has a built-in social support circle.

Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation
This interactive app connects you with other people quitting smoking. When the app is opened, it prompts the user to play games or talk to other users. This app also sends users alerts about how much money they are saving and the beneficial changes in their bodies. There are also reward badges for progress.

This app comes in 44 languages and sends the user alerts about how much money they are saving and health benefits. It also has an interactive aspect in which users can connect with other people quitting smoking.

Smoke Free
This app not only tells the user how much money they are saving and about their health benefits, but also allows the user to log when they crave nicotine and interprets craving trends. 

This app makes quitting more like a game. The user tracks when they don’t smoke, and the app keeps track through stats of how much money the user is saving, cigarettes not smoked and their days of progress.

Craving To Quit!
$25 per month
This app is designed to help smokers quit on a 21-day plan.The first four days are a free trial. The user has access to videos, a cigarette consumption tracker and reminders. The premium version includes access to a live coach within the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be fined if I smoke on campus?
No. There is not a fine for a violation of the tobacco-free campus policy; however, it is a violation of the Student Conduct Code and the Employee Manual and Rules of Conduct.

My JUUL doesn’t have tobacco in it. Does this mean I can still use it on campus?
No. The tobacco-free campus policy includes all forms of electronic nicotine delivery devices (also known as e-cigarettes or vapes). 

I want to quit smoking but I need help. Are there resources on campus for students?
Yes, there are many resources available for students, faculty and staff. Learn more.

What are the benefits of a tobacco-free campus? 
Through the tobacco-free policy, Temple will be creating a healthier and cleaner environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors. 

How is a tobacco-free campus different than a smoke-free campus?
Unlike a smoke-free campus, which prohibits the use of combustible tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, a tobacco-free campus also prohibits the use of smokeless tobacco (e.g. chew), as well as electronic nicotine delivery devices (e.g. e-cigarettes, vapes, JUUL).

Will there be designated areas to smoke on campus?
No. As this is a 100 percent tobacco-free campus, there will not be designated areas for use.

Where can I go to smoke/vape?
Students will have to leave campus to smoke/vape, but should be considerate to neighboring communities.

Will this policy affect where I can buy tobacco products on campus?
To the greatest extent possible, no tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia will be sold or distributed on Temple University property. Temple will work with tenants and vendors to phase in this requirement, acknowledging existing contractual commitments.

I am not a student, but I often pass through Temple’s campus. What does this policy mean for me?
The policy is intended to protect the health and well-being of all members of the community. In order to do so, there will be no use of any tobacco 
products on campus; the policy will be fully enforced for members of the Temple community as well as visitors to the campus, including vendors and contractors.

Contact and Follow Tobacco Free Temple

Additional Resources